Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blessings - Day 2 followup

As I left work and headed for the gym, my son called and asked if his friends could come over and hang out at the house. Since I was going to the gym, they decided to go to one of the other kids homes. Mom must be home. As I finished my workout and was driving home, he called again and asked if they could now go to our house. I offered to pick them all up on the way back.

After I hung up, I realized... I have to feed these kids! And they really aren't kids. They are 15 & 17 year olds. The other moms have so graciously fed my son many times recently as they've made the house-to-house-to-house stops. I picked them up, stopped by the grocery store, grabbed a few things, and went home to cook a very good enchilada, rice, bean-dip, chip supper. They ate every bite up and thanked me many times telling me it was a delicious meal. I even made brownie-cookies for dessert.

As I cooked, I realized... hey! This is my "blessing"! An unexpected blessing at that! And I received it happily!! I had not planned on cooking a big meal for everyone, yet I had the opportunity to and was happy to do it. Amazing how God plans these things.

So... my FB post last night: "At 6:00 I agreed to feed dusten's 4 buddies. Quick thinking and a quick stop at W/D and we all ate home-made bean dip, chips n enchiladas. Brownies are in the oven. Fun times! Guess that counts as being a blessing."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blessings - Day 2

So last night at 2:00am, I got up to use the bathroom (too personal? Probably). My mind went to the thought of blessings again. I wondered what unexpected blessing I would receive the next day. Then the thought occurred to me that I should be a blessing to someone else! I shouldn't expect God to always give me unexpected blessings. The daily blessings I receive are wonderful and amazing. Do you stop and "count your blessings" often enough?
My bed, house, clothes, stuff in my house, a/c (LOVE that one), plumbing, electricity, phones, my car, my finances, job, son, family, pleasures in life, and freedom. SOOO many more. So many we take for granted every day.

I have been blessed lately to be able to be a blessing to others at times. It feels wonderful when I do. Years ago, a co-worker bought my lunch. I tried to pay for it and he repeatedly said "no" then finally said "Don't rob me of my blessing!" I like that saying. I like that idea.

So today on my FB wall, I posted:

"We are blessed when we can be a blessing to others. Today I'll look for ways to BE that blessing!"

Now I watch and wait to see who I can bless today.

Many blessings - Day 1

As I sat contemplating what to write on my FB wall yesterday, I decided to write something encouraging about blessings. Not the everyday blessings we all come to expect and take for granted, but the unexpected blessings. So here is what I wrote.

"Another day. What unexpected blessings await us? With God... you just never know! Keep your eyes and ears open. And don't EVER limit Him!"

I thought about it a couple of times in the day. Hoped it might have encouraged someone. Then when it was time for bed, I reviewed my day and realized I had received an unexpected blessing and didn't even realize it (that's what typically happens, isn't it?). I put it on my FB wall.

"My unexpected blessing today: easily found humor and felt no stress as I spent 90% of my day dealing with my failing laptop. Might not mean much to some, but it sure does to me!"

And that truly was unexpected. My entire day consisted of setbacks and sidetracks, but I was in a great mood and laughed about it all. I handled it as best I could and figured I needed to do some computer house-keeping anyway. I was thankful I had the time to do it.

Today I was a bit annoyed at having to use a substitute computer, but I got mine back around 2:00 and it was almost 100% fixed. My tech guy will come finish the job soon, I hope.