Monday, June 30, 2008

MAT vs. My Brain

fact: I work at the University.
fact: I want to improve myself.
fact: I want to earn a Masters degree (which equals better job, better pay, better opportunites)
fact: It's going to be a long, hard road.

I’m studying for the MAT (Miller’s Analogies Test) so I can get into graduate school. I’ve never studied anything before that made me feel so stupid. I believe, right now, I would fail miserably on the television show “Are you smarter than a fifth grader?” There are so many things that I vaguely remember learning either in elementary school, high school, or even college… Now, I don’t remember most of it!! Where did all that knowledge go? Did it leak out on my pillow a little every night… til now I’m dumber than dirt? And there are so many words and phrases that I do not believe I’ve ever heard before.

Obviously the old saying "With age comes wisdom" is a bunch of ....... you know!

Such an overwhelming, humbling experience!